Kelly Leather Co. (Exotic African Leathers -Wholesale) 1-817-399-0044 United States.

Business name: Kelly Leather Co. (Exotic African Leathers -Wholesale))
Country: United States
Contact name: Jay Kelly
Address: 1812-G Reliance Parkway Bedford Texas 76021
Web Address:
Business category: Leather merchant
Email Address:
Phone number: 1-817-399-0044
Fax number: 1-817-399-0040
Business description: The Kelly Leather Co. wholesales African Ostrich, Elephant
skins, and Nile Crocodile skins in the USA. Our line of stock includes the full range of
colors and grades.

Lines of stock includes:
Finished Ostrich skins (full color range)
, Elephant skins
, Zebra Skins
, Hippo skins
, Nile Crocodile

. Contact us or visit our web page for more information.